Saturday, January 2, 2016


Jeremie Anderson Lua

         This 3rd Grading I've learned a lot of things starting from the renaissance topic up to the American Revolution. The Rebirth of Greek and Roman culture was influenced by humanist like Francisco Petrarch which is know as the father of Humanism; Great Reformers like Martin Luther, John Huss, John Wycliffee and other great reformers that inspired people and letting them know what is right. Different artists emerged during the Renaissance period because they were inspired by the Greek and Roman arts. Painters and Sculptors like Michelangelo, Titian, Donatello, Raphael, and the great Leonardo da Vinci who painted the mysterious portrait of Mona Lisa. Humanism open new Ideas and inspired a lot and these have a great impact on religion until now. The Catholics try to counter the reformation through persecution and many more methods which lead some European to find new for them to live and inspired explorations. We should stand for what we believe in acknowledge the reformers that stand strong even in the face of death. European expedition the most powerful and influential country in the 20th century. Through these expeditions they found new land which is the America, because of great explorers. these explorations has a great impact to our modern world because ideas were spread and lands were discovered.The scientific revolution was the emergence of modern science during the early modern period, when developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology including human anatomy and chemistry transformed views of society and nature. the enlightenment period paved new ideas in politics and individuality. The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. These revolutions have great Impacts in our society. The French Revolution was a major event in modern European history. The causes of the French Revolution were many: the monarchy's severe debt problems, high taxes, poor harvests, and the influence of new political ideas. The war of independence waged by the American colonies against Britain influenced political ideas and revolutions around the globe. I don't know much about the American Revolution but through this blog I've learned a lot of thing and through the discussion of our teacher I have not only learn a lot of things but I have learn these topics while having fun.

 Alice Marie Alagao

             3rd grading has given me a lot of knowledge such as Renaissance period, and the American Revolution. In this grading, I've known a lot of people such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Titian, Donatello and Raphael. Though they are not that easy to familiarize if you don't really read any articles about them. Leonardo da Vinci is an artist, mathematician, writer, inventor, engineer and etc. A lot of historians called him the Universal Genius because of his areas of interest. I also learned that the Catholic church was very corrupt that they spent the money of the people to buy lands and other properties. The people who were against those things that the church has been doing were called Humanists. Humanists such as John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, and John Huss has their own beliefs and practices to act against those immoral things. Wycliffe is considered as the Morning Star of the Reformation because he has a lot of followers and he only believed in what the scriptures says. Martin Luther rejected a lot of teachings and practices from the Roman Catholic Church. He also said that salvation and eternal life are not earned by good deeds but with faith in Jesus Christ. I learned these informations by making this blog. And I hope this, my reflection, will help a lot of students like me to get some info. 

Christine Burgos

   This 3rd grading I learn a lot of things, it started at the Renaissance period and end up to American Revolution. In this lesson I learn all about Michelangelo, Leonardo de Vinci, Raphael, Titian, Donatello and many more. They are the famous artist and scupltor in their period. And also at the American Revolution, American colonies against Britain and influenced there political ideas and revolutions around the globe. I will be honest in my reflection even if I did not really help in this blog, but I think I can learn more many things by reading OUR OWN blog. And I want to say sorry to my members. 

Ysrael Guinto

 This 3rd grading, I learned a lot of things. Even though I can't catch up to the topic easily I still try me best to read and study the book. I want to say thank you to my groupmates who are always their to help me on what to study. I learned about the Greek and Roman art, the Reformations and a little about the American revolution. The artist that I will not forget is Leonardo da Vinci. For me, he is the most promising person in his time because he is the Universal Genius as what the other historians call him. He is good in math, painting, engineering and other field of his interest. In the reformation, I don't know that much as well as in the American revolution but I know some names of great men in that time like Martin Luther, John Huss, Christopher Columbus and Prince Henry the Navigator. I learned those things in 3rd grading with the help of my groupmates. I hope I didn't get a failing mark.

John Domiquel
  This 3rd grading help me a lot, even if I don’t really listen but at the same time I read our book so I can catch up. I learn all about the artist and the sculptors in the renaissance period, like Leonardo de Vinci, Titian, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael and many more. And I all so know when and how started Humanism. And I all so know the battle of American and Britain. I all so want to say thank you to my classmate in helping me to participate in the class.  

Faisal Dampac

During this third grading I've learned a lot Through listening. The topics we tackle this third were very interesting because it was topics that we never even tackled before. The Renaissance period was very interesting for it talk about religion. The rebirth of Greek and Roman arts is beautiful because if it did not happen the paintings like Mona Lisa will not be present. The Scientific revolution paved way for new ideas and reshape the thoughts of people during that time and until now. The French and American Revolution were two events that has a great impact to our modern society. this third Grading was a lot of fun.

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